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| 블레이드 Blade 나노 QX 드론 품절

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기본 정보
상품명 블레이드 Blade 나노 QX 드론
판매가 59,000원
제품가 89,000원
적립금 590원 (1%)
배송비 3,500원 (50,000원 이상 구매 시 무료)
제조사 블레이드
구매수량 수량증가수량감소
원산지 중국
코드명 P0000ZAD

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블레이드 Blade 나노 QX 드론   수량증가 수량감소 59000
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Video Overview




The tiny Nano QX is RC flying fun you can take with you everywhere. The Nano QX weighs little more than half an ounce and is small enough to fly in spaces no bigger than an office cubicle. Never flown a quad-copter before? No problem. The Nano QX uses the SAFE™ technology system with sophisticated flight control software to keep itself stable in a hover while in stability mode. If you get in trouble, just let go of the sticks. The SAFE technology system will bring the Nano QX back to a hover all by itself. Once you've mastered the basics, you can switch the SAFE system to agility mode for faster flying speeds and more maneuverability.

SAFE stands for Sensor Assisted Flight Envelope and is central to the performance of the Nano QX. Even new pilots will feel comfortable with the Nano QX in stability mode because SAFE will make sure the quad is always in control and in an upright fashion. You will feel an immediate sense of confidence and be flying around like a pro in no time!

Detailed Information

SAFE™ Technology in Action




Main Rotor Diameter: 1.97 in (50.0mm)
Main Motor Size: 6mm brushed coreless
Battery: 3.7V 1S 150mAh 25C LiPo
Length: 5.5 in (140mm)
Width: 5.5 in (140mm)
Height: 1.2 in (30mm)
Flying Weight: 0.58 oz (16.5 g)
Approximate Flight Time: 8 minutes
Number of Channels: 4 channels minimum
Is Assembly Required: No
Size/Scale: Ultra Micro
Rotor Type: Quad-Copter
Experience Level: Beginner
Completion Level: Bind-N-Fly
Recommended Environment: Indoor














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1 보통 네이**** 2017-01-28 689 3점

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